Customer service is a dying art. It’s mind-boggling to think about from a business perspective because the Internet has given consumers more choice when it comes to choosing a service provider. In fact, more lawyers work from a virtual office than ever before; consumers can even get basic medical advice through the use of their smart phone. This increase in choice means that a business must go above and beyond to stand out from their competitors. One of the easiest ways your business can stand out is to master the art of good customer service. Here are 3 tips your business can use.
Practice Active Listening
Active listening is more than just allowing your clients or prospects to speak. It means that you’re really listening to what is being said (and what isn’t being said) so that you can have the best understanding possible of their needs. Active listening has several steps, but we’re just going to focus on three of them.
- Don’t interrupt when others are speaking. First, consider how you feel when others interrupt you when you’re speaking. Allowing others to finish speaking can help calm them if they’re upset (because they feel like you heard them out). It also allows them to finish their entire train of thought. It also creates a feeling of trust.
- Don’t think about your future response while others are speaking. It’s our natural inclination to want to have the right answer. Yet, when we tune out and begin to compose our response while someone is speaking, we could miss important information that could change our response. Make sure to stay tuned in to what’s being said instead of losing yourself in your own thoughts.
- Ask clarifying questions at the right time. One of the most common issues when dealing with clients is miscommunication. You can help minimize the possibility of this happening by asking clarifying questions at the right time. The right time is when the other person is done with their thought. Clarifying questions help make sure that you’re both on the same page. One of the best ways to do this is to say, “I hear you saying to me that __________ is the issue. Right?” This helps because you’re repeating back the main message while asking if you understood what the problem is. Questions should also be asked if there’s something from what they said that you’re really not sure about.
Make Returning Messages a Priority
Customer service is an important part of your business because it creates loyal and happy clients. When clients are loyal and happy, they’re more likely to refer you. One of the easiest tips you can master is to simply make returning messages a priority. It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone message or an email. Create a business policy that explains how long clients will wait for a return phone call or reply. Then, follow through. Try to return all phone calls and emails within 24 business hours. You can even include that as a reminder in your voicemail. If you don’t have the answer that they need, respond to let them know that you’re still looking into the issue. Touching base is one of the best ways to provide excellent customer service.
Use Social Media
Twitter and Facebook are two of the best places businesses can be found online. Why? Because it makes it faster for your business to respond to customers online. It also enables you to be notified of issues faster. Social media is just one more way that you can improve your customer service. When others see that you’re attentive (and responsive) to your clients online, they’re more likely to contact your business because they want a provider that cares.
Clients ARM – Customer Service Experts
If you’re looking for help with customer service, consider Clients ARM. With over 30 years of customer service experience, we combine old fashioned customer service principles with the best technological advances to help businesses improve the way in which they care for their clients. We can help you with client intake and customer service. Using our process, your clients or prospective clients would continue to call a number they associate to your business. Their call would come to our remote, U.S.-based office and we act as a representative of your business. Your clients get the care they need while you’re able to continue to service clients and grow your business. If you’re ready to learn how Clients ARM can help you with your customer service needs, schedule your free consultation. There’s no obligation to find out exactly how we can help you.