

Client Satisfaction 101: Going from Good to Great!

When you’re a client, what makes an experience great for you? Client satisfaction is the life blood of a business. When your clients feel like they’ve received great service, they tell others about you. So, how can you go from good service that meets the needs of your clients to a great experience that makes…
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Why a Policies and Procedures Manual Is Good for Your Business!

For many people running a business, a policies and procedures manual is usually not the first thing they think about drafting. They usually draft some form of a business plan to help guide their vision. Then, they simply get to work. Some business owners don’t see how a policies and procedures manual can benefit their…
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5 Awful Customer Service Habits to Ban from Your Business!

Customer service will make or break your business. When clients have a great experience, especially when you’re able to solve a problem for them, they tell their friends, family, and acquaintances to use your services. If they have a bad experience? They take their money elsewhere. They don’t just tell their friends, family, and acquaintances.…
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