5 Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Experience
Maybe you sense dissention in the ranks. Maybe you have hard core proof that your clients aren’t happy with how your organization treats them. Maybe you’re just ready to develop a more customer-centric model of service. Whatever your reasoning, improving your customer service experience can make your clients loyal for life. Here are ___ steps to improve your customer service experience.
Step 1 – Recognize That Something Should Change
Regardless of why your customer service needs to change, you must recognize that the change is needed. Of course, the “why” is important because that helps you determine what needs to actually change in your customer service policy.
Step 2 – Empower Your Employees
If you have a full customer service team or if you have a receptionist, someone other than you will most likely take the majority of the customer service based phone calls for your business. To keep your customers happy, foster loyalty, and minimize escalations, you must empower your employees to help your customers. Think about how often someone needs to go to a manager, give the call to a manager, or take a message for you because they don’t have the authority to fix the problem.
Do you have the time each and every day to review customer service problems, return phone calls, and correct problems? If you answered no or if you felt a rush of anxiety at the thought of calling back the upset customers, it is time to empower your employees.
If you’ve ever shopped with Zappo’s then you understand just how good customer service can be when employees are empowered. It is all about the wow that is experienced by the customers. Zappo’s reps can solve problems. In short they treat their customers like they’re human.
Step 3 – Fast Response
There should be a fast response time. It doesn’t matter if it’s when your employees answer the phone call or if they have to do a little research and call the clients back. Customers feel appreciated when they get a fast response. A call back to say, “I’m still researching the matter,” can go a long way to customer satisfaction.
Don’t forget emails. Time is still important. The initial email from the customer should be responded to right away so that the person who sent it knows that it was received.
You must determine what will constitute a fast response time. Be reasonable. Put yourself in the position of your customers. If you had to call in with an issue, what do you think would be a reasonable time to wait for a response or a return call? If you have just one person who handles these calls and they have voice mail, make sure that their message identifies their name, the company, their position, and that they will do their best to return all calls within 24 business hours.
Step 4 – Actively Listen to Customers
Use active listening. This means that you don’t interrupt the customer when they are speaking. You ask clarifying questions when they are needed. You make sure that you understand the problem from the customer’s point of view so that you can offer solutions. Active listening can de-escalate an angry client because they feel heard. Be empathetic to their situation.
Step 5 – Get Professional Customer Service for Your Business
If you’re looking to implement a professional customer service solution for your business without hiring full time employees, you should call Attorney's A.R.M. We provide customer service solutions for lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, and other service-based businesses. With Attorney's A.R.M., you don’t have to spend time training new employees. We take your calls from the West coast and provide your customers with the old fashioned customer service principles. Your customers will feel appreciated and valued, and you get the customer service professionals that you need at a reasonable rate. Ready to get started or have questions? Give us a call or fill out our form. We’d love to speak with you and walk you through just how much a partnership with Attorney's A.R.M. would benefit your business.