
How to Send an Effective Follow-up Email to Your Staff

How to Send an Effective Follow-up Email to Your Staff

How to Send an Effective Follow-up Email to Your Staff

You and your staff have a big project due for a client. Everyone knows their part and everyone knows their deadline…and the ultimate deadline. You send follow-up email after follow-up email to your staff reminding the entire group about the big project and of their due date.

Your Current Follow-Up Routine Isn’t Effective

Stop and think about how you currently send out emails to your team when there is a deadline that is fast approaching. Who responds? Who provides you with what they need? When people give you their portion of the project, are they exempt from receiving future emails admonishing the others? If your answers include no one and no, then your follow-up email routine isn’t effective.

How to Fix It

Stop and think about all of the times when you were part of a mass email. Do you feel like it was a good use of your time as an employee? Did you read it or did you delete it? Most employees pay very little attention to mass emails of this nature. This is because they occur far too often. You can make your email follow-ups more effective.

First, make sure that you’re respecting the time and abilities of your employees. You hired your staff members because they are competent and professional. Once you’ve briefed your staff members and provided them with deadlines and ensured they understand how they will contribute to the project, let them take care of it. No one wants to be micromanaged. Often, emails are seen as an unnecessary (and unread) waste of time.

Second, make sure that if you do use email reminders that you only send them to people who need them. Think about the times in your professional life when you there was a mandatory meeting that had nothing to do with you. Use the same principle for email. Only send emails about the project to those who are working on it Additionally, if one of your employees finishes their part of the project, take them off the reminder emails.

Third, make the emails personal. Mass emails are impersonal. That’s why people tend to delete them. If you want to use email more effectively, make it personal. This means you draft an email for each person who will take part in the project. This may take you more time, but you will receive a better response from your employees.

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