
Best 6 Tips for Choosing a Lawyer Answering Service!

Best 6 Tips for Choosing a Lawyer Answering Service!

Choosing the right lawyer answering service can create more time for you and a better experience for your current clients and your potential clients. At Clients ARM, we have more than 30 years of experience in the legal industry. Here’s a summary of our best tips to help you choose the right lawyer answering service to fit your needs and your budget!

Think about Your Needs

Are you looking for a lawyer answering service to act as a receptionist on a full time basis? Do you only need help part time? Are you looking for someone to keep an eye on your phones just on days that you’re due in court or have meetings scheduled? Also, consider whether all of your calls will roll through to the virtual receptionist or if it will only be people who call the main number.

The most common calls received by Clients ARM’s lawyer answering service relate to new client intake, billing questions, and calls that require a callback from the lawyer. Using our process, lawyers designate a specific phone number (or extension!) and using the magic of technology, calls to that number or extension roll over to our US-based office.

Look for Experience

Not all lawyer answering service providers are created equal. It’s important that you choose a provider that has experience in the legal industry instead of a company or individual providing basic virtual receptionist services. This is important because it helps protect your law office from allegations that you, your staff, or your contractors violated ethical rules in your jurisdiction.

Clients ARM has more than three decades of legal experience. We assist solo attorneys, small law offices, and large law firms with their lawyer answering service needs. We understand the importance of avoiding the unauthorized practice of law.

Don’t Make Your Decision Solely on Budget

It can be tempting to choose based solely on who charges the least. However, cheapest isn’t always best. You could end up with someone who is inexperienced or who isn’t available when you need them. Make sure that budget only plays a partial role in your decision-making process.

Consider the Location of the Lawyer Answering Service

Another important tip to help you choose the right answering service is their location. If you conduct business Monday through Friday with standard (or semi-standard) hours, make sure that the provider you choose can meet those requirements. You should also consider whether you’re comfortable (and whether your clients and potential clients) would be comfortable if someone from another country answered their call.

Clients ARM is located in the State of Washington. We provide our service to various law offices and solo lawyers across the United States during their stated business hours.

Ask For and Check References

It’s important that you receive a certain level of quality. A lawyer answering service is the first point of contact for most new clients. They may be a recurring point of contact for current clients. In short, they can make or break your reputation. Make sure that you ask for and check references before you make your decision. If they don’t have references, consider choosing another provider.

Many of our current legal clients have provided us with testimonials. To get a list of references, give us a call.

Understand How to Choose the Best Remote Provider for Your Needs

Lawyer answering services work from a remote location. They could work from a call center environment or they could be an individual who specializes in providing virtual help for lawyers. Regardless, it’s important that you understand how to choose the best remote provider. In addition to the tips we’ve already discussed, you should:

  • Make sure that the answering service has the appropriate equipment and software to meet your needs.
  • Understands the importance of information security.
  • Provides and participates in clear and open communication.
  • Decide if you’re willing to let go of the reins or if you want a provider that gives you the ability to manage the way that calls are answered.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

At Clients ARM, we believe that lawyer answering services should be customized to fit the needs of each of our clients (and potential clients!). To learn more about your needs, we’re inviting you to schedule a free, no obligation consultation. We can help you determine what you need and explain how what we do will benefit you. Don’t wait – schedule your free consultation now!