
Are Your Callers Getting the Best Possible Treatment from Your Virtual Receptionist?

Are Your Callers Getting the Best Possible Treatment from Your Virtual Receptionist?

Virtual receptionists are an affordable and convenient option for businesses. Of course, companies and individuals that offer this service will tell you that they’ll treat your callers like gold, but are your callers really being treated as they should be?

How to Find Out How Virtual Receptionists Treat Your Callers

To discover how your callers are treated, you have three options. You can wait for callers to complain to you or other members of your staff. You can survey your callers to learn first hand about their experience. You can find out for yourself by using mystery callers.

The issue with waiting for callers to complain to you or other members of your staff is that you may never find out first hand. You might find out because of a bad Yelp, Facebook, or Google review. Your staff members may feel that the situation isn’t serious enough to warrant your attention. They could just forget to tell you about the incident. Because your virtual receptionist is the first point of contact for your current and potential clients, it is imperative that you’re made aware of how they’re treated.

You can collect a list of callers from the virtual receptionist and make it a point to reach out to callers and ask them about their experience. While this can be time consuming, it does provide valuable insight into what your callers thought about their call. Did they get through in a reasonable amount of time? Did they get the information they needed? If they asked for a call back, did they receive it? What did they like about the experience? What do they believe could be done to improve it?

Finally, you can use mystery callers. They can be you, your staff members, or people that you know. The virtual receptionist should not be told that mystery calls will occur. They should not know which day or time it may happen. The point here is to find out first hand (and without notice) how your callers are treated. Be ready to ask common questions that your callers may ask, ask for messages to be taken, ask for someone to call you back, and other common requests. This will help you understand the experience and if the process needs to be improved.

Address Any Issues Right Away

If you discover areas of the inbound call process that needs improvement, make sure that you address them right away. Remember that your virtual receptionist is a reflection on your business. Many callers may not even recognize that they’re talking to someone who works for a separate company. Your reputation in in their hands and it is up to you to make sure that it is protected.

What Are the Skills of a Great Virtual Receptionist?

If you’re looking to hire a virtual receptionist or if you need to replace the one you’re currently working with because your callers aren’t happy, you should look for someone with the following skills:

  • They project a professional image to your callers. They accept and display the values associated with your business.
  • They should have at least basic knowledge about your industry.
  • They should be available when you need them to be available.
  • They should be experienced as a receptionist or customer service rep.
  • They should be experienced in using the proper equipment.

Looking for a US-Based Virtual Receptionist for Your Business?

If you want to make the best possible impression while benefiting from the services of a virtual receptionist, schedule a free consultation with Clients ARM. There’s absolutely no obligation. You’ll learn about how we use old fashioned principles along with the right technology to provide your callers with a professional, friendly experience. We’re also based in the United States. Don’t wait. To learn more, contact us now!