Choosing a remote worker is a serious consideration. How do you know that the person you’re interested in working with is qualified? How do you know that they have experience? How do you know that they’ll meet deadlines? Here are 5 tips to help you choose a remote worker to take your business to the next level.
Know What You Need
Make sure that you truly understand what it is that you need the remote worker to accomplish on behalf of your business. If you’re looking for a writer to improve the content on your website, that’s great. However, what’s the purpose behind improving the content? Are you looking to showcase your knowledge and need someone who can put your thoughts together in writing? Are you looking to convert more website visitors to clients? Both are goals that someone could have for new content, and determining which goal is most suited to your needs will help you find the right type of writer.
If you’re looking for someone to act as your virtual receptionist, consider the ultimate outcome. Do you want someone who just takes messages on your behalf so that calls aren’t always routed to voicemail? Are you looking for someone who can set appointments and answer questions?
When you’re better able to identify what you truly need, you’ll better communicate that with remote workers when you interview them. It will also help you narrow your pool of prospective workers.
Consider Working Hours
It’s imperative to have a talk with the remote worker about the hours that you’ll need their services. If you need someone during your business hours, make sure that you consider the time difference. You should ensure that the remote worker will be available during the time that you need them. Also, you should assess whether the remote worker has other clients and if they can provide you with the level of support that you need.
Communication with Potential Remote Workers
We’re going to address communication at two levels. First, the most basic level of all, language. Can you and the remote worker communicate in the same language in a way that’s clear? It’s up to you to make sure that you can. Use tools such as Skype or Google Hangouts to talk and make sure that they understand you. This is important because you want to make sure that the two of you are on the same page when it comes to tasks and objectives.
Second, you should both feel comfortable communicating with each other. Are you getting responses within a reasonable amount of time? Are you giving them the information they need when they need it? Does the remote worker take instruction? Do they express themselves in a way that’s respectful and professional?
Verify Professional Experience
Anyone who wants to try to become a remote worker can create a website or profile. They can even create a portfolio or a CV that lists experience. Just like if you were hiring a traditional employee, you should take the time to review and contact companies and individuals that the remote workers lists as part of their professional experience.
Create Policies and Procedures for Your Remote Worker
Employees aren’t the only people who need direction. Creating a set of policies and procedures that cover how remote workers should handle their tasks can be very useful. It ensures consistency for your clients and gives your remote worker something to rely on if you’re not available.
Learn More about Clients ARM
If you’re looking for an experienced remote partnership based in the United States, schedule your free consultation with Clients ARM. We provide several valuable services for businesses. To learn more, check out our services page.