
4 Ways Written Policies and Procedures Help Your Business!

4 Ways Written Policies and Procedures Help Your Business!

One thing new business owners often neglect is putting their policies and procedures in writing. The general idea is that since the business consists of one or two people, there’s no need to place the information in writing. Then as the business grows, more and more time is devoted to clients. Employees are brought on. Without written policies and procedures, employees begin to do things in their own way. If there’s more than one employee who has the same responsibilities, they could go about their jobs in totally different ways. One or both employees may not get the results you’d like or envisioned. No doubt about it, having your policies and procedures in writing is an absolute necessity. Here are 4 ways written policies and procedures help.

Your Methods Are Documented

Remember the scenario in the introduction of two employees with the same job responsibilities? There’s a saying that too many cooks in the kitchen will spoil the soup. If you want to make sure that your methods are used, they must be in writing.

Yes, it’s prudent to ask your employees or contractors who will follow your procedures whether there is a better way to get the same result. It’s very important to take their feedback into consideration. However, the purpose of documenting your methodology is to keep all of your employees on the same page. This helps ensure consistency in every area of your business.

Clients Are Treated the Same

When you have policies and procedures that are in writing, it helps ensure that all of your clients are treated the same way. Your policies and procedures should explain items such as late fees, when late fees are assessed, and explain other important information. When clients are treated fairly, it helps your business grow.

Policies and Procedures as a Reference Tool

Written policies and procedures help your business by acting as a reference tool for your employees. When they have questions, they should be able to find the answer to it in the manual. After all, the purpose of the manual is to document both the policies and the procedures used in your business. Consider adding a FAQ at the end to cover the most basic questions or to show employees where they can find the answer in the manual.

Empowers Your Employees to Help Clients

Your policies and procedures manual should empower your employees to help clients. This helps foster client loyalty. The manual should explain what employees can do to resolve common billing, payment, and customer care concerns. This helps minimize the number of clients who are told disappointing things such as, “I can’t help you” or “Because that’s just the way it is.” It also frees up your time as a business owner because your employees will know what they can do to help. This means fewer times when you need to get involved and mediate a minor dispute.

Need Help with Your Policies and Procedures?

Do you need help with your policies and procedures? If you don’t know what to put into your manual or if you have some basic ideas and just don’t have the time to put it together, contact Clients ARM. With more than 30 years of experience, we meet our clients where they are in the drafting process. We can help develop the perfect policies and procedures template for you to tweak or we can write your manual on your behalf. Whatever you choose, you get the benefit of three decades of business and HR experience. To learn more about Clients ARM and our services, schedule your free consultation.