
Category Archives: Accounts Receivable Tips and Advice

Why a Policies and Procedures Manual Is Good for Your Business!

For many people running a business, a policies and procedures manual is usually not the first thing they think about drafting. They usually draft some form of a business plan to help guide their vision. Then, they simply get to work. Some business owners don’t see how a policies and procedures manual can benefit their…
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5 Awful Customer Service Habits to Ban from Your Business!

Customer service will make or break your business. When clients have a great experience, especially when you’re able to solve a problem for them, they tell their friends, family, and acquaintances to use your services. If they have a bad experience? They take their money elsewhere. They don’t just tell their friends, family, and acquaintances.…
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Is Simplicity a Key for Business Success?

The Internet made it easier for clients to have access to a larger pool of businesses to meet their needs. Because of this, businesses of every size look to offer services that are newer, faster, and better. Sometimes in an attempt to become thought of as an expert in a specific industry, a business will…
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6 Quick Cash Flow Fixes for Your Business!

Cash flow is essential for a business regardless of size or industry. Without access to money, your business could be in big trouble. While starting and running a business implies a certain amount of risk, it’s also important to do what you can to mitigate it. To help you improve this area of your business,…
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